Pro-Face GP2300-TC41-24V Digital Electronics
Pro-face is a pioneer in HMI, providing industrial IoT solutions such as high-performance industrial computers, advanced HMIs, standard HMIs, basic HMIs and data collectors
(software control)*1
Chinese : (GB2312-80 codes) simplified Chinese fonts
Japanese : ANK 158, Kanji : 6962 (JIS Standards 1 & 2)
Korean : (KSC5601 – 1992 codes) Hangul fonts
Taiwanese : (Big 5 codes) traditional Chinese fonts
Height can be expanded 1/2*3, 1 to 8 times.
Used for transferring data between the GP application software and the GP.
Used for data transfer with the 2-Port feature.
Used for a variety of devices, including a bar-code reader.